Orthographic Analysis
2.5 Orthographic Analysis
Combats Gobbledegook
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln (September 8 1858)
Gobbledegook is often a form of verbal bullying by which insecure or cognitively lightweight writers attempt to overawe readers into falling for their pretensions to intellectual or bureaucratic superiority.
Here are a couple of typical examples of the genre to set the tone
Optimisation is used to maximise outperformance under forecast return scenarios.
That means, “We do our best to respond to opportunities”.
Gobbledegook often uses technical and polysyllabic jargon to disguise a simple statement.
Consider and savour this description of a move to provide go-karting lessons for excluded children.
... a multi-agency project catering for holistic diversionary provision to young people for positive action linked to the community safety strategy and the pupil referral unit.
Second only to politicians and their bureaucratic sidekicks, academic institutions regularly mutilate the language with important-sounding gobbledegook that is often a thin veneer over lightweight reasoning.
Try allowing yourself to be impressed by this 'definition'.
Objectivism is an ontological position that asserts that social phenomena and their meanings have an existence that is independent of social actors. It implies that social phenomena and the categories that we use in everyday discourse have an existence that is independent or separate from actors.
That is to say, 'objectivism' is a belief that things such as moral truths exist whether we know or even perceive them.