Orthographic Analysis
2.1 Durative Orthographic Analysis
A teacher of real orthography has absolutely no need of the orthodox diagnostic gallimaufry of special material, invasive and confrontational practices, reams of paper and time away from real orthographic engagement.
- It is not just absence of misspellings that makes a competent speller.
Only if we ourselves can justify and explain the 'correct' spelling of words can we claim to be teachers or analysers of spelling. - It is not 'decoding' strings of alphabetic signs into supposed 'sound' but knowing what a word means that makes a competent reader.
Only if we can justify and explain real cognitive engagement with the structures of text for the reconstruction of sense and meaning can we claim to be analysers of reading.
What the teacher of orthography needs, then, is a procedure for analysing the orthographic competence of writers and readers that is thoroughly grounded in the fact that orthography is a cognitive construct.